
As a non-profit financial institution, we are dedicated to providing quality financial products and services at the lowest possible cost to our members. Our fee structure is designed to cover costs associated with a particular product or service, or, in some cases, to encourage members to use accounts responsibly.

Loan Services

Service Charge per Item
Home Equity Closing Costs (Loans up to $5,000) Member pays
Home Equity Closing Costs (Loans over $5,000) Credit Union pays
First Mortgage Closing Costs Member pays (up to $499 on certain types, 15 years or less initial terms)
Consumer Loan Processing Fee (Unsecured Loans) Member pays, $85.00
Consumer Loan Processing Fee (Secured Loans) Member pays, $95.00
(Excludes real estate loans)
Title Fee Member pays, maximum $15.00
Collection Costs Member pays
Late Loan Payment $30.00 or 5% of due, whichever is less
VISA Card Late Payment $15.00 to $25.00
VISA Annual Fee $20.00

Savings & Checking

Service Charge per Item
ATM Withdrawal/Teller (In MUCFCU Network) FREE to members
ATM Withdrawal/Teller (Non MUCFCU-owned; in Alliance One network) No ATM Owner Surcharge to MUCFCU members;
$2.00 Foreign ATM Transaction fee may apply.
ATM Withdrawal/Teller (Out of Network) $2.00 Foreign ATM Transaction fee (assessed by MUCFCU),
plus ATM Surcharge may be assessed by ATM Owner (surcharge amount varies by owner).
Debit Card Monthly Fee $1.50
ATM Card Monthly Fee $1.50
Wire Transfer (Incoming Domestic) $10.00/transfer
Wire Transfer (Outgoing Domestic) $20.00/transfer
Wire Transfer (Outgoing International) $35.00
Courtesy Pay $31.00/item
Traveler's Checks 1% of Traveler's Check amount purchased
Stop Payment $32.00
Check Photo Copy $3.00/check
Counter Check First check each day: FREE;
$3.00/check therafter
Money Order First check each day: FREE;
$3.00/item therafter
Cashier's Check First check each day: FREE;
$3.00/item therafter
Overdraft Transfer from Savings $5.00/item
Account Printouts $3.00/account
Plastic Card Replacements $10.00/item
IRA Administration FREE
Dormant Accounts $5.00/mo, if balance is below $300.00 and account is dormant for 18 months or more.
No charge for members 18 or younger.
Draft Open $25.00
Early Account Closure $25.00 (if account is closed within 60 days after opening)
Third-Party Check Cashing Fee $5.00/check

Miscellaneous Services

Service Charge per Item
ACH NSF Returnable $32.00/item
Check NSF Returnable $32.00/item
Returned Deposit Item $32.00/item
ATM NSF Non-returnable $32.00/item
Debit NSF Non-returnable $32.00/item
Safe Deposit Drilling of Boxes $75.00
Safe Deposit Lost Key $10.00
Tax Levy/Garnishment $20.00


Equal Housing Lender logo
NCUA logo

Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.


Certain restrictions may apply to the products and services described above. Contact the credit union for details. MUCFCU is not an entity of Miami University.