All rates current as of: 5/2/2024
Account Rate APY1
Regular Savings 0.05% 0.05%
Holiday Savings/Christmas Club 0.10% 0.10%
Kiddie Hawk 0.15% 0.15%
Silver Hawk 0.15% 0.15%
Special Savings 0.05% 0.05%


Account Rates APY1
IRA Savings 0.15% 0.15%

1Annual Percentage Yield

Regular Savings accounts must maintain a $5.00 balance in order to obtain APY. Fees may be assessed for account dormancy or for exceeding withdrawal limts, which may reduce earnings on the account. For a list of possible fees, see the Fees page. 

Early withdrawal penalties may apply to IRA distributions made before age 59 1/2. Early withdrawal penalties are assessed by the I.R.S., not by the credit union. To see if you qualify for an early withdrawal exception, consult with a financial planner or tax advisor.

All credit union accounts are subject to the Membership and Account Agreement and Funds Availability Policy.